Please read these terms and conditions in preparation for working with Demelza Danquist (hereinafter referred to as Demelza/she/her). They are designed to protect your interests as the client. By attending a session with Demelza, you are agreeing that you have read and agree to the following terms and conditions. If you are unable or unwilling to agree to these terms and conditions, please inform her immediately.
Amended: 4 April 2023
These terms and conditions are subject to revisions without notice. Please familiarize yourself with any amendments if you have re-started working with Demelza after a period of absence.
Under no circumstances, will Demelza be liable for any damages, including without, limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, consequential, or other damages (including without limitation lost profits, lost revenues, or similar economic loss), whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, arising out of the advice or information provided to you during professional services provided by Demelza. In addition, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Demelza harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages and expenses (including legal fees) arising out of your participation in the professional services.
I understand that Demelza is not a licensed physician, psychologist, or medical practitioner of any kind and that hypnosis should not be considered a replacement for the advice and/or services of a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist or medical doctor.
Each session lasts up to two hours and for a fee, previously agreed upon in your initial Discovery Call or via email communication with Demelza. The 30-minute “Discovery Call” is included as an adjunct to this “session” at no additional cost. Demelza reserves the right to decline working with a client at her discretion. She is not obligated to provide a reason should she so choose. No therapy is provided during the initial “Discovery Call”. A formal receipt for payment of all services is available via email, after payment is made. You will also receive a link to access the appointment scheduling page for future appointments.
You will disclose to Demelza, all medications you’re currently taking along with any medical diagnoses or conditions you’re currently experiencing. You understand that if you have epilepsy, you will make her aware of this immediately.
Payments must be made a minimum of 24 hours prior to the start of your session and can be made via the following payment systems: Cash in person or via the payment link provided to you during the intake process. If credit card payment options are not applicable for you, please contact Demelza for additional payment options.
She retains the right to refuse to provide refunds.
Should you wish to change, postpone or cancel an appointment, a minimum of 24 - 48 hours’ notice must be provided or the full payment will be forfeited. Please contact Demelza at [email protected] or by phone at: +1 (512) 507 6174 to request a change or cancellation of your scheduled session. This minimum period of cancellation affords her the opportunity to offer the previously scheduled time slot to another client from her waitlist.
If you wish to discontinue your session plan with Demelza, you are not required to provide a reason. There can be external circumstances that make continuation of your sessions difficult in your current situation however, should you wish to resume sessions with her at a later date, a discussion regarding your situation is valuable so that she may take these into consideration in your continued work together.
Your rights of confidentiality are permanent. Client records may be securely destroyed eight years from the date of your last session.
If you are running late or anticipate arriving late for an appointment, please send a text message to the mobile phone: +1 (512) 507 6174 or email to [email protected]. Demelza will answer messages at her earliest opportunity. While she aims to accommodate “lost time”, please understand that the booking schedule may not always make this possible. The session may have to finish at the original finishing time.
Contact with Demelza between scheduled sessions is available to you via email during her regular office hours (Monday to Thursday from 10AM to 4 PM, CST). Messages received outside of regular office hours will be responded to the next business day. Exceptions may occasionally be made, at Demelza’s discretion, and based on her availability. Text and voice messaging support is available by request for an additional fee agreed upon prior to service.
Demelza may ask questions regarding your medical history to establish any contra-indications to treatment. This information is also insightful for her to assess whether your health may be affecting (or is being affected by) the therapeutic goals you desire to achieve.
Please update her of any medical changes during your work together or, if you are returning to sessions with her after a period of absence.
If you are receiving care of treatment from any medical, healthcare, or therapeutic practitioner (e.g. Family doctor, Psychologist, Psychiatrist or Counselor), you may be asked to seek their permission before any therapeutic sessions with Demelza commence.
Please note that Demelza is unable to offer her professional service if you suffer from epilepsy or any form of psychosis.
You must be a minimum of 18 years old to participate in therapeutic sessions with Demelza. Exceptions may be made for minors in that, Demelza will work with them as a coach and confidant, if parent and child are in agreement and the parent has provided express, written consent. Hypnotherapy will not be offered to minors under the age of 18.
Any information collected from you as a client or potential client, including your contact details, will be held in strictest confidence. Your privacy is respected. The details that you disclose are used solely for the purpose of providing you, the client, with the highest level of service. No information will be shared with any external parties without your express permission. Where express permission is given to share information with an external party, Demelza will only supply client-approved information that she believes is in the best interests of the client.
If it is necessary for Demelza to contact you, she will use your preferred method of communication; e.g. mobile phone. Should you need to be contacted at home or at work for any reason, she will leave her name, number and request a call-back.
Exceptional circumstances where confidentiality may not be upheld include the following, as required by law:
If there is a legal requirement to do so (e.g. court subpoena)
If there is a legal requirement to report suspected child abuse or neglect
If you disclose an intention to harm yourself or someone else
If you disclose any act of terrorism or affiliation to any terrorist organization
If you disclose any involvement in any form of criminal activity
If you disclose any form of abuse or neglect to a vulnerable adult.
Please review Demelza’s published Privacy Policy
The sharing of anonymous case histories is sometimes made to supervisors and peer-support groups as part of my CPD requirements. No personal details are ever used during these meetings.
During the course of your work with Demelza, you will be treated with respect and the assurance that the trust you’ve placed in her is honored. In return, you will undertake to not harm yourself and respect any person within her practice, including her and her property. You agree to come to the sessions free of influence from alcohol or recreational drugs, except those prescribed by your doctor. If any conduct contravenes these standards of behavior, Demelza reserves the right to cancel the current and any future sessions.
During each Hypnotherapy session, you may enter into deep states of relaxation and access information stored within your subconscious, via the use of hypnosis. By providing your signature below, you give Demelza full permission to hypnotize you. Be assured that, while in a state of hypnosis, you will remain alert and in full control of your voice and faculties. Most people feel comfortable and thoroughly enjoy being in this relaxed state. Over the course of your cumulative sessions with Demelza, you may experience rapid and steady results and potentially, retroactive changes to your life that manifest in a myriad of positive ways. Transformation is exciting so if you’re reading this, you’re likely ready for it!
You will periodically receive Demelza’s bespoke “transformational recordings”, following select therapy sessions. These will be shared with you via WeTransfer and available for you to download and use for as long as you wish. As part of your commitment to your progress, you agree to listen to these “transformational recordings” at least once per day for 21 days or more, following your sessions. These recordings have shown to greatly and positively impact people’s lives and enhance the therapeutic results they receive from their sessions with Demelza. Please note that the recordings are made explicitly for your personal use and are not to be shared or distributed in any way. By signing below, you give Demelza permission to make and provide these recordings for your benefit.
You understand and agree that, although Demelza and the methods she uses have shown to result in incredibly high success rates with her clients, she cannot guarantee your individual results as there are numerous factors in your life that she does not control, including your willingness and desire to do the growth work that’s required to affect the changes within yourself.
Should you have any concerns regarding your therapeutic sessions, please discuss these with Demelza immediately and she will endeavor to resolve them as quickly as possible.
You accept that you have a duty to read and agree to the “terms of participation”, as provided under the terms of this agreement. Furthermore, you understand and accept that you are precluded from using “lack of reading” as a defense against all remedies contained herein.
I have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions above
Auretha C.
Florida, United States
Conny V.
Stuttgart, Germany